New Designs

Coming Soon - Available now for pre-order

The Snow People - 18 mesh

21X-1 - Blue - 4” x 4”

21X-2 - Pink - 6” x 5”

21X-3 - Yellow - 6” x 5”

Dodo Bird

36D - 9” x 9” - 18 mesh

36D-13 - 12.5” x 12.5” - 13 mesh

Annie Rounds - 18 mesh

18XX-A - Annie - 4” round

18XX-B - Tomorrow - 4” round

The Twelvetide in Color

4” round on 18 mesh

Partridge 24AA

Two Turtle Doves 24BB

Three French Hens 24CC

Four Colly Birds 24DD

Five Golden Rings 24EE

Six Geese 24FF

Seven Swans 24GG

Eight Maids 24HH

Nine Ladies 24II

Ten Lords 24JJ

Eleven Pipers 24KK

Twelve Drummers 24LL

The Snow People Stocking 19J

18.5” x 13” on 13 mesh

Three Ships Stocking 19K

19” x 13” on 13 mesh